Moulin à Vent

Côte de Poquelin

Saint Véran

Chardonnay blanc



The Estatte

Wine-growers from father to son for six generations, we took over the success of the domain in1988.
The Estate “Des Côtes de la Molière”, situated at vauxrenard, lays on a surface of 8,5 hectares and has 3 callings:
- Beaujolais
- Beaujolais village
- Moulin à vent

And we select some natural wines that we bottle ( like the Saint Véran and Pouilly Fuissé).

10 years ago, we gave up a part of the weed-kiling in order to give back life to the earh and the undergrounds of our vines, to bring back to each parcel of land its characteristic and its taste from the earth.

A vine in harmony with its environnement will produce a grape more flavored and more complete which would bring back the meaning of its “millesime”.

We favorise in this way in the dissemination and the working of the ground.

The products that we use to fight against the vine illnesses are agreed by the biological culture.

Thus, we have commited a conversion: 6 hectares are certified biological since 2002, and the rest of the exploitation is in a way of reconversion.

The biological culture, It’s above all a state of mind, a philosophy.

It’s a calling into question at each instant.

Our wine gives us proof more and more each year: a wine with character leaving to express the earth and soul in its wine making procedure.

Consummating “Bio” today, is taking paart, a little, in the protection of our environnement.
"La matière n'est rien, ce qui compte, c'est le geste qui la faite"... ( Goethe)